LUMI22 Supreme Essence One Month Supply (30s)




  • LUMI22 Supreme Essence: brighter, firmer, and more radiant skin, from top to toe.
  • LUMI22 Supreme Essence is a highly bioavailable food supplement formulation that combines both primary and secondary antioxidants through revolutionary biotechnology from France and Japan, bringing you an inside-out chain solution for brighter, firmer and younger skin; all from top to toe.
  • But here’s a secret, a healthy liver has always been the key to glowing skin! LUMI22 Supreme Essence boosts of a unique super formulation that restores liver health, from Walnut Polyphenols, Milk Thistle, and Dandelion extracts. A strong liver produces more Glutathione in our body, which is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants to neutralize oxidative stress and free radicals. Besides, they are also effective in lightening dark melanin which protects you from UV rays while improving overall skin complexion.
  • Moreover, each ingredient in this super formulation serves a unique benefit. It starts by detoxifying and restoring our cells & liver and then going all out in turning your body into a powerhouse for primary antioxidants.